Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Three Kinds of People

Matthew and I went peopling today. Our first time going out with the sole purpose of getting interviews! Very exciting.

We learned there are three kinds of people, and each group forms about 1/3 of the population we spoke to.

1) People who say 'no.'

These are the people who when we ask if we can take their picture, immediately say 'no' and hurry on their way. You get used to it--this is great training for dealing with rejection

2) People who say 'well....' or 'what?' or 'why?' or 'I don't know...'

These people tend to be self-conscious or suspicious--quite understandable when a random person initiates a conversation. Most of them said 'no,' though, even after an explanation.

3) People who say, 'okay.'

Most people who agree to being interviewed will assent immediately and readily. And so far, they have not indicated that they want to STOP the interview--I'm the one who steps away. Today we were interviewing at lunch time, and I didn't want to make anyone late returning to work. I do wonder, though....how long can I talk with a random person?

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